How old is Danielle Busby?
Danielle Busby was born on 23 December 1983.
Danielle Busby is 41 years old.
How old is Danielle Busby in days now?
Danielle Busby is 41 years 3 months 6 days old.
Total 15,072 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Danielle Busby?
Danielle Busby's next birthday is in 8 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Danielle Busby?
Zodiac sign of Danielle Busby is Capricorn.
Danielle Busby is the only woman in the US who gave birth to all-female quintuplets and a reality TV show star known for her participation in a show together with her large family. Born in 1983 in Louisiana, she spent her childhood in the city of Lake Charles, alongside her family and friends. In the mid 2000s she got married to Adam Busby and the couple moved to Austin where Danielle gave birth to her first daughter in the early 2010s. In the late 2014 it became known that Danielle was pregnant with five female babies, and in April of 2015 they successfully came to this world. The quadruplets named Parker Kate, Riley Paige, Olivia Marie, Ava Lane, and Hazel Grace are very popular Instagram stars and the stars of their personal TV show OutDaughtered. As of the late 2024, the number of the followers of the Instagram account is exceeding 2 million people. Danielle Busby is also a blogger on a popular platform It's A Buzz World.