How old is Daniel Craig?

Daniel Craig was born on 2 March 1968.
Daniel Craig is 57 years old.

How old is Daniel Craig in days now?

Daniel Craig is 57 years 25 days old.
Total 20,844 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Daniel Craig?

Daniel Craig's next birthday is in 11 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Daniel Craig?

Zodiac sign of Daniel Craig is Pisces.

Daniel Craig is a talented British actor who became famous with his brilliant performance in James Bond movies Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, and Spectre. He was born in Chester in 1968 and since his childhood, he has been interested in music and rugby. In 1984 he moved to London and started studying acting, but his professional career began only in 1992 when Craig appeared in a few British movies The Power of One, Sharpe's Eagle, etc. In 2001 he lived a breakthrough in his life by receiving one of the lead roles in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider movie where he performed together with Angelina Jolie, followed by a few other great roles in the movie of Steven Spielberg Munich, in Layer Cake, etc. Many fans of James Bond used to be quite skeptical for Craig's portraying this character, mainly due to the appearance of the actor, but the actor has broken all the bad expectations and delivered an incredible performance! The third movie of the saga, Skyfall, became one of the 20 most grossing movies of all times. Daniel Craig dated many beautiful actresses and models. He was married to Fiona Loudon but now he is married to another famous Hollywood actress, Rachel Weisz, and they have a daughter.

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