How old is Charlotte Crosby?
Charlotte Crosby was born on 17 May 1990.
Charlotte Crosby is 34 years old.
How old is Charlotte Crosby in days now?
Charlotte Crosby is 34 years 10 months 13 days old.
Total 12,736 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Charlotte Crosby?
Charlotte Crosby's next birthday is in 1 month 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Charlotte Crosby?
Zodiac sign of Charlotte Crosby is Taurus.
Charlotte Crosby is a British TV personality and an actress who appears in various reality TV shows like Celebrity Big Brother, Geordie Shore, and some others. She was born in 1990 in Sunderland and grew up dreaming about pursuing a career in a serious field like medicine or public services. However, in the early 2010s, she was cast to take part in a reality show, Geordie Shore and worked as a cast member for 5 years. That show made Charlotte popular in the UK. During the later years of the decade, she had a lot of jobs as a presenter and a supporting participant of such international shows like Britain's Got More Talent, Xtra Factor, and others. In 2018 she started conducting her TV show, The Charlotte Show on MTV. In the two last years of the decade, Charlotte was a participant of a few TV shows like Impossible Celebrities, Celebrity Come Dine With Me, Celebrity Coach Trip, and others. Charlotte Crosby is a very popular social media personality too, and she dated some media stars like Josh Ritchie, Gaz Beadle, and others.
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