How old is Chachi Gonzales?

Chachi Gonzales was born on 23 January 1996.
Chachi Gonzales is 29 years old.

How old is Chachi Gonzales in days now?

Chachi Gonzales is 29 years 2 months 8 days old.
Total 10,660 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Chachi Gonzales?

Chachi Gonzales's next birthday is in 9 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Chachi Gonzales?

Zodiac sign of Chachi Gonzales is Aquarius.

Chachi Gonzales is a dancer and an actress who became popular as a teenager for taking part in a few TV projects like America's Best Dance Crew. Born Olivia Irene Gonzales in 1996 in Texas, she has been involved in various dancing-related projects of campaigns since she was 6. Initially, she was trained as a ballet and classical dancer, but later on, she started taking classes in modern dancing like hip hop, etc. In the late 2000s, she joined a famous dance team I.aM.mE where she immediately began demonstrating her amazing talents and unique dancing skills. In 2011 the crew took part in America's Best Dance Crew and became the winner of the project. Gonzales and the team members took part in the MTV Award-winning ceremony and received plenty of other awards. Lately, Chachi Gonzales has been taking part in various events and projects like East Los High, Freakish, and other TV series. She collaborated with Meghan Trainor on creating the video for the song "Lips Are Movin". In 2019 she got married to a Finnish stuntman and actor Jukka Hildman and shortly after became the mom of a wonderful daughter.In 2021 they welcomed their second child.

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