How old is Cameron Monaghan?
Cameron Monaghan was born on 16 August 1993.
Cameron Monaghan is 31 years old.
How old is Cameron Monaghan in days now?
Cameron Monaghan is 31 years 6 months 25 days old.
Total 11,532 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Cameron Monaghan?
Cameron Monaghan's next birthday is in 5 months 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Cameron Monaghan?
Zodiac sign of Cameron Monaghan is Leo.
Cameron Monaghan is an actor and a former model who became famous for his roles in a few TV series including Gotham and Shameless. Born Cameron Riley Moneghan in 1993 in California, he was brought up in Florida by his single mom who worked as an insurance agent. Due to his really cute looks, as a child Cameron was invited to take part in some advertising campaigns and appeared in some local magazines advertising some goods. When he was a young teenager he decided to attend classes in a local theater and began appearing on stage in various children's plays. His professional debut took place in 2003 in a TV film The Music Man, and shortly after he got a small recurring role in a cult TV series Malcolm In The Middle. In the late 2000s he continued appearing in a few popular TV series like Monk, Fringe, Criminal Minds, The Mentalist, and in 2011 he was lucky to obtain one of the main roles in a TV series Shameless where he portrayed Ian Gallagher for almost 10 years. Later in the decade he joined the cast of a new TV series Gotham where he had a recurring role. In cinema, Cameron Monaghan is known for taking part in producing such movies as Safe Harbor, Jamie Marks Is Dead, The Giver, Reign Of The Superman, etc. He also played a video game character in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.