How old is Brady Farrar?

Brady Farrar was born on 19 January 2005.
Brady Farrar is 20 years old.

How old is Brady Farrar in days now?

Brady Farrar is 20 years 2 months 9 days old.
Total 7,373 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Brady Farrar?

Brady Farrar's next birthday is in 9 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Brady Farrar?

Zodiac sign of Brady Farrar is Capricorn.

Brady Farrar is a popular young dancer who rose to fame as a winner of a few national dance competitions and appeared in the popular TV shows Dance Moms. Born in 2005 in Florida, he grew up alongside his parents and two brothers in many different places as his father's job was related to military. He discovered his passion and talent for dancing in quite early age, and as soon as the family settled back in Miami, Brady started attending plenty of classes and dance schools, ending up at Stars Dance Studio. In the mid 2010s Farrar took part in a number of competitions and managed to win the 2016 America's Youth Grand Prix. In about the same time he also started taking part in Dance Moms, alongside his mother, Tricia. Later in the decade Brady Farrar continued dancing, promoting his social media channels and getting engaged in different kinds of projects. He often appears on TV alongside some famous actors and actresses.

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