How old is Ayo Bowles?

Ayo Bowles was born on 30 October 1996.
Ayo Bowles is 28 years old.

How old is Ayo Bowles in days now?

Ayo Bowles is 28 years 5 months old.
Total 10,378 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ayo Bowles?

Ayo Bowles's next birthday is in 7 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Ayo Bowles?

Zodiac sign of Ayo Bowles is Scorpio.

Ayo Bowles is a young famous dancer and YouTube personality known also for dancing with his brother Mateo Bowles. Ayo was born in 1996 in Michigan and has been extremely keen on dancing since he was 5 years old. Together with his younger brother Teo they received plenty of training in dancing like hip hop and all related styles. In 2011 the brothers opened their first YouTube channel and began posting videos of their dancing, thus attracting a large number of viewers. Since 2016, the Bowels have been taking part in a large number of projects like the BET Award ceremony, Villa Grand Opening, etc., as well as collaborating with plenty of singers and dancers lie Michael Maulin, Quavo, TFK, and plenty of others. For some time Ayo Bowles dated Klondike Blonde.

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