How old is Autumn Miller?

Autumn Miller was born on 2 August 2001.
Autumn Miller is 23 years old.

How old is Autumn Miller in days now?

Autumn Miller is 23 years 7 months 26 days old.
Total 8,639 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Autumn Miller?

Autumn Miller's next birthday is in 4 months 5 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Autumn Miller?

Zodiac sign of Autumn Miller is Leo.

Autumn Miller is a lovely dancer and a popular personality who takes part in TV shows and various online projects. Born in 2001 in California, she was raised by her parents alongside her brother, who has now become a model and a social media star as well. Autumn has been training in various dancing types since she was 5 and currently she is an expert is plenty of genres, from hip hop and jazz to ballet and other classic styles. Miller was a part of a group named Single Ladies and took part in a number of TV shows and programs, as well as recorded some music videos including the one with Willow Smith, the daughter of Will Smith, an iconic actor. Autumn Miller has her personal YouTube channel which she has been using as a vlog and the place where it is possible to find plenty of videos related to dancing. She is also very popular on Instagram, with the number of followers close to 1 million people (as of the mid 2024).

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