How old is Angela Bassett?
Angela Bassett was born on 16 August 1965.
Angela Bassett is 59 years old.
How old is Angela Bassett in days now?
Angela Bassett is 59 years 6 months 24 days old.
Total 21,758 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Angela Bassett?
Angela Bassett's next birthday is in 5 months 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Angela Bassett?
Zodiac sign of Angela Bassett is Leo.
Angela Bassett is a talented actress who is known to the general public mainly for her great performance in a biopic about the life of Tina Turner. She was born Angela Evelyn Bassett in 1965 in NYC and grew up alongside her younger sister. In her school years Angela loved active lifestyle and was a cheerleader, and after finishing high school she tried a few different kinds of jobs before actually debuting as an actress in the mid 1980s. Later in the decade she relocated to LA in order to be closer to Hollywood and the heart of the American cinema industry. Her most famous early movies include Boys N the Hood, Waiting To Exhale, Malcolm X (with Denzel Washington), What's Love Got to Do With It, Music of the Heart, etc. In the early decades of the 21st century, Angela Bassett took part in making such movies as The Rosa Parks Story, The Green Lantern (with Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively), Olympus Has Fallen (with Morgan Freeman), as well as a few absolutely cult movies like Avengers, the Black Panther, etc. For her amazing performance in the movie The Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, she received a Golden Globe award, as well as a nomination for the Academy Award.