How old is Aidan Prince?

Aidan Prince was born on 10 May 2006.
Aidan Prince is 18 years old.

How old is Aidan Prince in days now?

Aidan Prince is 18 years 10 months 18 days old.
Total 6,897 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Aidan Prince?

Aidan Prince's next birthday is in 1 month 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Aidan Prince?

Zodiac sign of Aidan Prince is Taurus.

Aidan Prince (known also as BAHBOY) is a talented dancer, as well as an actor and a blogger with quite a large number of fans. Born in 2006 in LA, he was raised there and started dancing when he was 4. He has taken a great number of classes and training courses focused on a large variety of styles, from classic and ballet to hip hop and modern styles. Still he goes on training in the best dance studios of LA like Snowglobe Perspective or Playground LA. Despite his young age he has collaborated with a large number of famous choreographers including Tricia Miranda, as well as with such singers as Silento, Todrick Hall, etc. In the mid 2010s Aidan appeared in Ellen DeGeneres Show, and then he tried himself in acting by taking part in shooting such TV series as Chicken Girls, Marielle Mondays, What's Happening, etc. Despite his really young age, Aidan Price has already gained a large fanbase, and his TikTok channel is now getting more and more popular.

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