How old is Thiago Messi?
Thiago Messi was born on 2 November 2012.
Thiago Messi is 12 years old.
How old is Thiago Messi in days now?
Thiago Messi is 12 years 4 months 26 days old.
Total 4,529 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Thiago Messi?
Thiago Messi's next birthday is in 7 months 5 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Thiago Messi?
Zodiac sign of Thiago Messi is Scorpio.
Thiago Messi is a star child and a son of Leo Messi, a cult soccer player, and his wife Antonella Rocuzzo. He was born in 2012 and is the eldest son of the couple. Thiago also has two younger brother, Mateo and Ciro. He was born in Spain, in the city of Barcelona, where he is currently training to become a soccer superstar. As a son of a famous player, he has always been a focus of public attention and every step of his is thoroughly looked at. As a player of a junior team in Barcelona, he is wearing a jersey with number 10, just like his father. Thiago Messi has a very bright future which is however supported by very hard work from his side.
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