How old is T-Pain?
T-Pain was born on 30 September 1984.
T-Pain is 40 years old.
How old is T-Pain in days now?
T-Pain is 40 years 5 months 25 days old.
Total 14,788 days old now.
When is the next birthday of T-Pain?
T-Pain's next birthday is in 6 months 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of T-Pain?
Zodiac sign of T-Pain is Libra.
A famous American hip hop singer, producer, and songwriter, T-Pain rose to fame for his quite experimental and unique style in music which is a combination of hip hop, R&B, and electro music, but of course he is known to the general public as one of the authors of an epic song "I Am on a Boat" recorded together with Jay Z, Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island. He was born Faheem Rashad Najm in 1984 in Florida and raised in Tallahassee, the city which is behind the letter "T" in his stage name. His parents are quite religious but Faheem wasn't inspired by Islam as a child and rather was passionate about music. When he was 10 years old he arranged a studio in his room and began making his first recordings. In 2000 he joined a band named Nappy Headz and made his first steps on stage. In the middle of the decade he started to release his solo songs like "I'm Sprung" or "I'm 'n luv" which found their way to Billboard charts. He released his debut studio album in 2005 and the next one followed two years later. This album reached the first line of the charts, and the late years of the 2000s brought T-Pain a lot of important awards and titles. In the 2010s he continued recording new hits and received 2 Grammy awards for his songs "Blame It" and "Good Life". In addition to his pwn music career, T-Pain produces other hip hop singers and makes music for various TV projects including some animated films.