How old is Stephen Curry?
Stephen Curry was born on 14 March 1988.
Stephen Curry is 37 years old.
How old is Stephen Curry in days now?
Stephen Curry is 37 years 17 days old.
Total 13,531 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Stephen Curry?
Stephen Curry's next birthday is in 11 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Stephen Curry?
Zodiac sign of Stephen Curry is Pisces.
Stephen Curry is a professional basketball player who has been playing for Golden State Warriors for almost a decade. He is the son of a professional basketball player and an amateur volleyball player. Curry started his career when he was studying at Davidson College, North Carolina, where he was combining studies with playing for the local team. In 2009, upon finishing the college, he was chosen by Golden State Warriors as No 7 and immediately took place as the main play-maker at the games. In 2013, he made his first personal and the NBA record of throwing 3-points, with the score during the season totaling 272. A year later Stephen Curry improved his record up to 286, and in 2017 - up to 402 points achieved by throwing from beyond the three-point line. In 2015, Stephen helped his team to win the NBA Championship title and received the MVP of the season. During two next consequent years the team managed to reach the finals again, and in 2017 Warriors and Curry won the champion title one more time. Curry is known as one of the best free-throw shooters in the whole history of the NBA, with the success percentage exceeding 90.