How old is Sir Isaac Newton?

Sir Isaac Newton was born on 4 January 1643. Sir Isaac Newton died on 31 March 1727 at the age of 84 years.

What was the exact age of Sir Isaac Newton?

Sir Isaac Newton's exact age was 84 years 2 months 27 days old. Sir Isaac Newton lived for total 30,766 days.

What would be the age of Sir Isaac Newton if alive?

Sir Isaac Newton's exact age would be 382 years 2 months 21 days old if alive. Total 139,603 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sir Isaac Newton?

Zodiac sign of Sir Isaac Newton is Capricorn.

A famous British scientist, physician, theologian, and writer, Isaac Newton is known as one of the revolutionary and the most influential scientists of the whole history of humanity. Newton was born in 1643 in Lincolnshire, England, and had a quite difficult childhood, being brought up by his grandma because his mother had another family. In school, Isaac was an ordinary student and liked arts and poetry rather than physics and math. However, in his late teen ages, his ambitions to be the best and the most love student started showing up, so he started getting interested in precise sciences and especially various natural events. After school, he entered Cambridge University and soon became one of the best students there, though known as the one with the worst social skills. He was eager in learning everything and wanted to make plenty of discoveries to understand how things work in this world. At university, he made a list of 45 most common problems that humanity faces, which hadn't been solved yet.

The list sketched his ambitions as the scientist, and Newton decided to dedicate his life to solving those. He started with trying to improve math and calculus, so there was a large number of concepts and ideas proposed by him, e.g. the Newton-Leibnitz calculus controversy, the binomial theorem, to name a few. In physics, Newton studied mechanics and gravitation, in particular, the laws of motion. Later on, he applied his findings to the field of universe studies and tried to analyze the motion of planets, studied trajectories of comets, etc. Newton invented the reflecting telescope which he used to study light, etc. Isaac Newton is the author of a few books which became the foundations of modern science: "Arithmetica Universales", "Optiks", "Philosophia Naturales Principia Mathematica", and so on. Gravitation law is considered to be one of the main discoveries of the scientist. Isaac Newton died in 1727, at the age of 84.

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