How old is Carl Sagan?

Carl Sagan was born on 9 November 1934. Carl Sagan died on 20 December 1996 at the age of 62 years.

What was the exact age of Carl Sagan?

Carl Sagan's exact age was 62 years 1 month 11 days old. Carl Sagan lived for total 22,687 days.

What would be the age of Carl Sagan if alive?

Carl Sagan's exact age would be 90 years 4 months 16 days old if alive. Total 33,009 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Carl Sagan?

Zodiac sign of Carl Sagan is Scorpio.

A prominent American astronomer, astrophysicist, author and avid science popularizer, Carl Sagan was born in 1934 in New York City and lived his childhood being in a very close relationship with his parents, who were sure that their son is a future genius and did everything possible to provide his with proper education and support. Carl received his scientific degrees and started his scientific career at the University of Chicago. Since his childhood, he was interested in cosmos, cosmic life, and extraterrestrial activities. The extent of the scientific activities of Sagan was really wide, starting from doing some chemical experiments on exploring the amino acid activities, and ending up with composing messages sent to space by modern technology like Voyager, etc. The scientist is considered to be the pioneer of exobiology. Sagan was combining his scientific research with his hard work on making science more available and popular among modern people. He wrote a number of books and over 600 scientific articles, created and took part in plenty of TV and radio shows. His scientific book Contact was taken as a base for the same name movie, which received a very warm reaction of critics and the general public. Carl Sagan was an extraordinary personality and a very intelligent man, he was interested in many aspects of social and scientific life, was a philanthropist and activist. He was married three times and had 5 children. He died of pneumonia at the age of 62.

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