How old is Simone Biles?

Simone Biles was born on 14 March 1997.
Simone Biles is 28 years old.

How old is Simone Biles in days now?

Simone Biles is 28 years 17 days old.
Total 10,244 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Simone Biles?

Simone Biles's next birthday is in 11 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Simone Biles?

Zodiac sign of Simone Biles is Pisces.

Simone Biles is a famous American gymnast who is known for her successful performances on international stage. Simone was born in 1997 in Ohio and grew up in the house of her grandparents, together with her three siblings. Later on, Simone was raised by her relatives who invested in her training and helped her receive a basic education. Simone started her professional career in 2011 as a junior and continued in 2013 as a senior gymnast. For her career, Simone became 4 times World floor exercise and World all-around champion, the winner of numerous gold medals in the Olympics and 5 times national champion of the US. Many believe that Simone Biles is one of the best and the most successful gymnasts of all times, who managed to win numerous titles and awards. She also has developed a few eponymous skills, one on vault and one in floor exercises.

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