How old is Shinzo Abe?
Shinzo Abe was born on 21 September 1954. Shinzo Abe died on 8 July 2022 at the age of 67 years.
What was the exact age of Shinzo Abe?
Shinzo Abe's exact age was 67 years 9 months 17 days old. Shinzo Abe lived for total 24,762 days.
What would be the age of Shinzo Abe if alive?
Shinzo Abe's exact age would be 70 years 6 months 8 days old if alive. Total 25,757 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Shinzo Abe?
Zodiac sign of Shinzo Abe is Virgo.
Shinzo Abe was a prominent Japanese political figure, a party leader who served as the Prime Minister of the country in the 2010s. Born in 1954 in Tokyo, he was raised by a rich family of significant political importance on the local level. As a young man he studied political science both in Japan and in the US, and in the early 1980s he started his small business career which was shortly after followed by his first steps in the world of politics. In 1993 he was elected a Member of the House of Representatives, and later on he served as the Secretary of the Prime Minister Cabinet. In 2006 he was appointed the Prime Minister for the first time but had to leave the office one year after due to his serious health condition giving up his post in favor of Yoshihide Suga. After taking a serious recovery course, in 2012 Abe was elected again and again entered the Prime Minister office. As a true conservative, he led a corresponding governmental policies and was the one in favor of strengthening Japanese military forces. His economic ideas received the name Abenomics and included a number of fiscal and financial reformations. He retired in the fall of 2020 and in the mid 2022 Shinzo Abe was assassinated by a former marine officer during his campaign supporting a candidate of the Liberal Democtaric Party. He was 67 years old.
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