How old is Rustyn McCracken?
Rustyn McCracken was born on 15 August 2022.
Rustyn McCracken is 2 years old.
How old is Rustyn McCracken in days now?
Rustyn McCracken is 2 years 7 months 13 days old.
Total 956 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Rustyn McCracken?
Rustyn McCracken's next birthday is in 4 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Rustyn McCracken?
Zodiac sign of Rustyn McCracken is Leo.
Rustyn McCracken is a rising social media star and a son of an Instagrammer Brady Stauffer and a TikTok star Addie McCracken. He was born in 2022 and all of his life has been documented and exposed at the social media accounts of his parents even before his actual arrival to the world. It is possible to find numerous photos of Rustyn with his dad on his Instagram account. Addie's TikTok channel enjoys the popularity among its 2.5 million subscribers, and of course Rustyn is the center of his mom's attention and focus. There are some videos of his which became viral, like the one where the toddler is sitting at the steering wheel of his dad's car, or the one where he is singing a song by Taylor Swift together with his mom. He is loved and perfectly cared about by his grandmas and other relatives. Rustyn McCracken is a happy child who is truly expecting his parents to get married.
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