How old is Rosa Parks?

Rosa Parks was born on 4 February 1913. Rosa Parks died on 24 October 2005 at the age of 92 years.

What was the exact age of Rosa Parks?

Rosa Parks's exact age was 92 years 8 months 20 days old. Rosa Parks lived for total 33,865 days.

What would be the age of Rosa Parks if alive?

Rosa Parks's exact age would be 112 years 18 days old if alive. Total 40,926 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Rosa Parks?

Zodiac sign of Rosa Parks is Aquarius.

Rosa Parks or Rosa Louise McCauley Parks was a prominent American civil rights activist and social movement leader born in 1913 in Alabama, to the family of mixed African American and European origin. She graduated from a local school for girls in Montgomery and shortly after got married to a small barbershop serviceman. In the late 1930s, she started getting interested in various social activities and joining various African American rights related movement, together with her husband. Rosa was taking a variety of related office jobs but was mainly focused on coordinating social activities, which peaked in the mid-1950s, when the famous Montgomery bus boycott took place. It was an event directed on protesting against racial segregation in public transportation, which attracted a lot of public attention and put Rosa Parks in the line of important leaders, along with Martin Luther King Jr. or Nelson Mandela. In the 1960s she moved to Detroit where she continued supporting various social movements and worked for a number of social organizations. She became one of the inspiring forces and the main moving force of the movement known as "Black Power", supporting and protecting the rights of African Americans. After her retirement in the early 1990s, Rosa wrote a book and continued advocating for the rights and equality of races. She passed away in 2005 at her home in Detroit at the age of 92.

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