How old is Roman Kemp?
Roman Kemp was born on 28 January 1993.
Roman Kemp is 32 years old.
How old is Roman Kemp in days now?
Roman Kemp is 32 years 1 month 26 days old.
Total 11,745 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Roman Kemp?
Roman Kemp's next birthday is in 10 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Roman Kemp?
Zodiac sign of Roman Kemp is Aquarius.
Roman Kemp is a known radio host and TV personality. He was born in 1993 in California and his parents are Shirlie Holliman, a singer, and Martin Kemp, a musician. Roman grew up in the US, alongside his sister and parents, and the family has been quite famous. They have a lot of connections in the world of show business, so, in particular, George Michael was Roman's godfather. After finishing high school Kemp took a job in Capital FM as a young show host, and he turned out to be especially successful in interviewing people. Later in the decade, he took part in a popular TV project The X Factor. Roman used to do some modeling for many brands and became successful in that. Since his childhood, soccer has been his great passion, and as a radio host, he interviewed a large number of soccer players like Steven Gerrard and others. Roman Kemp is currently among the most famous British radio hosts and a popular presenter who gladly takes part in various TV shows and competitions.