How old is Jeremy Kyle?

Jeremy Kyle was born on 7 July 1965.
Jeremy Kyle is 59 years old.

How old is Jeremy Kyle in days now?

Jeremy Kyle is 59 years 8 months 18 days old.
Total 21,811 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jeremy Kyle?

Jeremy Kyle's next birthday is in 3 months 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jeremy Kyle?

Zodiac sign of Jeremy Kyle is Cancer.

Jeremy Kyle is a famous British radio and TV presenter. Born in 1965 in Berkshire, Jeremy grew up alongside his brother Nick and in his youth, he studied Sociology and History in the University of Surrey. Before starting his career on the radio, Jeremy had a variety of jobs including the ones in a market, in a clothing selling chain, and in a life insurance providing agency. Finally, he has found himself working in a marketing department of a local radio station, and that's where his long way as a radio presenter has started. In the late 1990s he was invited to conduct his own small program about music, and in the early 2000s he initiated his new radio show Jezza's Virgin Confessions, which ran for a few years and became very popular. Starting from 2005 he became a host of The Jeremy Kyle Show, which ran both on the radio and TV. For a few years he appeared on air at some radio stations to discuss many social life-related subjects and promote some topical ideas for making our community better. He left his work on radio in 2008 and has been focused on TV projects since then. He tried himself in acting and appeared in a number of documentaries. Jeremy Kyle Emergency Room and High Stakes are among his most famous projects of the 2010s. Jeremy Kyle is a person who suffers from OCD and a man who managed to overcome cancer. He was married twice and has 4 children, as well as recently has become a grandpa.

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