How old is Ms. Juicy Baby?

Ms. Juicy Baby was born on 5 January 1972.
Ms. Juicy Baby is 53 years old.

How old is Ms. Juicy Baby in days now?

Ms. Juicy Baby is 53 years 2 months 7 days old.
Total 19,425 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ms. Juicy Baby?

Ms. Juicy Baby's next birthday is in 9 months 24 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ms. Juicy Baby?

Zodiac sign of Ms. Juicy Baby is Capricorn.

Ms Juicy Baby is a famous radio and TV personality who became known after taking part in a number comedy shows. She was born in 1972 in Texas as Shirlene Pearson, and grew up in a small town, but to start her adult life she relocated to Atlanta Georgia. Since her childhood Shirlene was interested in acting and singing, so joined various small theater projects in her town. She graduated from DeVry Institute of Technology where she studied computers technology, and decided to dedicate herself to comedy and live shows. She made a few excellent performances on theater stage, as well as in a few movies. She starred in comedy sitcoms like Meet the Browns, and became a casual member of The Rickey Smiley Morning Show team, which brought her nationwide fame. Ms Juicy Baby made plenty of appearances in a number of shows, like one of the most recent ones of hers, Little Women: Atlanta.

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