How old is Riley Green?
Riley Green was born on 18 October 1988.
Riley Green is 36 years old.
How old is Riley Green in days now?
Riley Green is 36 years 5 months 9 days old.
Total 13,309 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Riley Green?
Riley Green's next birthday is in 6 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Riley Green?
Zodiac sign of Riley Green is Libra.
Riley Green is a country singer and songwriter known for a few singles like "There Was This Girl", "When She Comes Home", "Miles On Main", etc. Born in 1988 in Alabama, he spent his childhood in Jacksonville, alongside his family. During his teen ages he had two strong passions, American football and music. While studying at university, he joined a few auditions for some musical TV shows which eventually resulted for him to take part in one of the shows Redneck Island. He started his professional way in music in the early 2010s by releasing his first EP followed by a new one for a few consecutive years. The first well known song by Ridley Green came out in 2018, it is a hit "There Was This Girl" which was the first one to reach 20 Billboard Top Country Music. Next year his first solo album was released produced by Nashville Harbor Records & Entertainment. The second album of his came out in 2023 followed by another one in 2024. He recorded a few very successful collaborations with his fellow country singers including "Half of Me" and "Different Round Here". Riley Green dated a model Sophia Sansone but remains single so far as he believes that not every girl will be happy with him being on the road all the time.