How old is Myla Fickley?
Myla Fickley was born on 5 January 2015.
Myla Fickley is 10 years old.
How old is Myla Fickley in days now?
Myla Fickley is 10 years 2 months 23 days old.
Total 3,735 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Myla Fickley?
Myla Fickley's next birthday is in 9 months 8 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Myla Fickley?
Zodiac sign of Myla Fickley is Capricorn.
Myla Fickley is a cute and lovely TikTok star and a daughter of a superstar of the platform Abbey Fickley. Myla was born in 2015 and immediately became a sensation for all the fans of her mum. Plenty of photos of Myla could be found on Abbey's Instagram account from the very first day of the princess' coming to this world. Later on, in became possible to see how Myla was growing up by looking at her pictures and videos on Abbey's TikTok. The videos are extremely cheerful and cute so some of them get millions of the views. As of the early 2025, there are about a half million people following the channel. Myla Fickley and her mum have an infinite number o ideas for their videos, and it is always a pleasure to watch them enjoying this life to the fullest.
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