How old is Matt Steffanina?
Matt Steffanina was born on 20 October 1986.
Matt Steffanina is 38 years old.
How old is Matt Steffanina in days now?
Matt Steffanina is 38 years 5 months 8 days old.
Total 14,039 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Matt Steffanina?
Matt Steffanina's next birthday is in 6 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Matt Steffanina?
Zodiac sign of Matt Steffanina is Libra.
Matt Steffanina is a famous choreographer and producer of a few popular dance shows. Born in 1986 in Virginia, he spent his childhood learning dancing, and he became a dancing tutor at a very early age. In 2010 he relocated to California in order to pursue a career in dancing and choreography. Approximately since those times, Matt has been running his personal Youtube channel where it is possible to see the videos of his performances and which is very popular among his fans. Steffanina has staged a large number of various performances and could be seen on the stages of the best venues and the best theaters of the US and the world. He collaborated with a large number of musicians and celebrities like Taylor Swift, Snoop Lion, Jason Derulo, Chris Brown, and many others. Matt Steffanina took part in such TV projects as So You Think You Can Dance, The Amazing Race, Ellen, The Tonight Show, and so on.