How old is Lil Baby?

Lil Baby was born on 3 December 1994.
Lil Baby is 30 years old.

How old is Lil Baby in days now?

Lil Baby is 30 years 3 months 22 days old.
Total 11,070 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lil Baby?

Lil Baby's next birthday is in 8 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lil Baby?

Zodiac sign of Lil Baby is Sagittarius.

Lil Baby is a young American rapper and songwriter famous for a few recent hits of his. He was born in 1994 in Atlanta, and his real name is Dominique Armani Jones. He and his two siblings were brought up by their single mum. In his teen ages, Dominique used to be busy with earning money, as well as getting into various kinds of troubles. He started his career as a rapper in 2016 by recording his first mixtape and signing up with a recording company to publish his first studio album which came out in 2018, titled "Harder Than Ever". So far, Lil Baby has released 7 mixtapes and his second studio album is about to come out at the end of 2019. In the early 2020s he had a Grammy Award nomination. He often collaborates with his fellow rappers like Young Thug, Young Scooter, Lil Yachty, Yung Gravy, and many more. Lil Baby is a father of 2 children.

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