How old is Kiyan Anthony?
Kiyan Anthony was born on 7 March 2007.
Kiyan Anthony is 18 years old.
How old is Kiyan Anthony in days now?
Kiyan Anthony is 18 years 4 days old.
Total 6,579 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kiyan Anthony?
Kiyan Anthony's next birthday is in 11 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kiyan Anthony?
Zodiac sign of Kiyan Anthony is Pisces.
Kiyan Anthony is a celebrity child known as a son of a successful basketball player Carmelo Anthony, who played in the NY Nicks and the Los Angeles Lakers, and an MTV star La La Anthony. Kiyan was born in 2007 in the US and his parents were not married at that time. He was raised by his mum and numerous relatives both from his mum and dad's side. Unfortunately, when Kiyan was 10 years old, his parents divorced but it is not a unique story for a celebrity couple. Still he spends a lot of time with both his mum and dad, being exposed to some good musical pieces, as well as being trained in basketball which is likely to be his future career field. Since the mid 2010s Kiyan Anthony has been appearing in various media projects including some commercials, TV shows, etc. As of the early 2025 he is studying at college and is being trained as a point guard.
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