How old is Jude Bellingham?
Jude Bellingham was born on 29 June 2003.
Jude Bellingham is 21 years old.
How old is Jude Bellingham in days now?
Jude Bellingham is 21 years 8 months 27 days old.
Total 7,943 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Jude Bellingham?
Jude Bellingham's next birthday is in 3 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Jude Bellingham?
Zodiac sign of Jude Bellingham is Cancer.
Jude Bellingham is a rising British soccer star who is currently, as of the mid 2023, playing in Spain for Real Madrid. He was born in the UK in 2003 and spent his early childhood in Stourbridge, alongside his parents and his younger brother Jobe Bellingham who is also a popular soccer player. Jude started his career in 2010 by playing for Birmingham City youth team where he demonstrated plenty of success and diligence. He spent 9 years in the team and for that time he also became a player of English National Teams U15 and U16. In 2019 Jude was invited to join Birmingham senior team, and a year later he began his international career by becoming a player of Borussia Dortmund. In the early 2020s he made his debut in the national senior team and took part in such competitions as UEFA Euro 2020 and FIFA World Cup 2022. In summer 2023 Jude Bellingham was invited to join Real Madrid as a perspective goalscorer. He also scored a few important goals during UEFA Euro 2024.