How old is Juan Soto?

Juan Soto was born on 25 October 1998.
Juan Soto is 26 years old.

How old is Juan Soto in days now?

Juan Soto is 26 years 5 months old.
Total 9,648 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Juan Soto?

Juan Soto's next birthday is in 7 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Juan Soto?

Zodiac sign of Juan Soto is Scorpio.

A baseball player known for his career in the Washington Nationals and New York Yankees, Juan Soto is a right fielder and an incredibly talented sportsperson. Born in 1998, he was raised in the Dominican Republic. His father Juan Soto Sr. was an avid amateur baseball player, so both of his sons, Juan Jr and Elian have started their career in baseball. Junior debuted in MLB in 2018 in Washington and his first season brought him the runner-up position as the best rookie of the league. The next season with the Nationals brought Soto the Baby Ruth Award. In the early 2020s he had his first All Star season and also became a runner-up for the finals MVP. In 2022 he changed his team and joined the squad of the San Diego Padres but in the early 2024 he was traded to New York Yankees. Later that year, Juan Soto signed a 15-year contract with the New York Mets, and it became the largest ever contract in the whole history of the professional sports.

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