How old is jooj_natu?
jooj_natu was born on 25 April 1998.
jooj_natu is 26 years old.
How old is jooj_natu in days now?
jooj_natu is 26 years 11 months 3 days old.
Total 9,834 days old now.
When is the next birthday of jooj_natu?
jooj_natu's next birthday is in 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of jooj_natu?
Zodiac sign of jooj_natu is Taurus.
jooj_natu is a talented Brazilian TikTok star who has been running his own TikTok channel and recently attracting a large number of followers from all around the world. Born in 1998, he spent his childhood alongside his parents and his two brothers who are also known on various social media platforms. As a young teenager, he loved music and learned playing musical instruments, and then became a member of his band named Natu Rap which also includes his brothers. He decided to open his TikTok channel in the early 2020 and opted to focus on posting various comedy and fun related stuff like skits, challenges and other kinds of stuff. As of the early 2023, jooj_natu has over 13 million followers on his channel.
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