How old is Joel Conder?

Joel Conder was born on 29 January 1986.
Joel Conder is 39 years old.

How old is Joel Conder in days now?

Joel Conder is 39 years 1 month 3 days old.
Total 14,279 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Joel Conder?

Joel Conder's next birthday is in 10 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Joel Conder?

Zodiac sign of Joel Conder is Aquarius.

Joel Conder is a YouTube star and a vloger who has been running his famous family channel titled DadVGirls. Born in 1986 in the UK, he grew up alongside his family and friends, and finished school in the UK. In the late 2000s he got married to Sarah Conder and the family has got 5 lovely daughters named Grace, Chloe, Sophie, Casi, and Madison. Since 2017 Joel has been running his YouTube channel where it is possible to see tons of funny and entertaining videos with all the adventures of the lovely family. Girls love having fun and exploring new things, and they respect and adore their father. The main trick of the family is hidden camera videos. As of the early 2025, the number of the followers of the channel is exceeding 1.2 million people. Joel Conder is a creative man and a loving father who is a great example to his daughters and many young fathers in the world.

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