How old is Gus Kenworthy?
Gus Kenworthy was born on 1 October 1991.
Gus Kenworthy is 33 years old.
How old is Gus Kenworthy in days now?
Gus Kenworthy is 33 years 5 months 30 days old.
Total 12,235 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gus Kenworthy?
Gus Kenworthy's next birthday is in 6 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Gus Kenworthy?
Zodiac sign of Gus Kenworthy is Libra.
Gus Kenworthy is a British-American skier and athlete who has represented the US at a few important international competitions. He was born in 1991 in Colorado and grew up with his two brothers in a small city. He has been interested in sports like all young boys of his age but started taking skiing seriously and as a possible career when he was in high school. Gus began his journey in professional skiing in 2011, when he won his first AFP World Championship title followed by winning the one for two more consequent years. He takes part in the competitions in slopestyle, big air, and halfpipe. He managed to win a silver medal in slopestyle in Sochi Olympics, and in 2018 in Pyeong Chang Olympics he became the 12th. During 2016-2017 Gus received a few gold and silver medals in important local and international events, including the World Cup Men's Halfpipe in Utah. Gus Kenworthy appeared in a number of sports and skiing-related TV programs.