How old is George Lucas?

George Lucas was born on 14 May 1944.
George Lucas is 80 years old.

How old is George Lucas in days now?

George Lucas is 80 years 10 months 12 days old.
Total 29,536 days old now.

When is the next birthday of George Lucas?

George Lucas's next birthday is in 1 month 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of George Lucas?

Zodiac sign of George Lucas is Taurus.

George Lukas is one of the most famous movie directors and producers in Hollywood whose name is associated closely with a few movie series like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, etc. Born in 1944 in California, Lukas studied cinematic art at the University of Southern California. In the late 1960s, together with his youth friend Francis Ford Coppola, he established a small film studio and started directing sci-fi related movies like THX 1138 and others, which became his pre-era of Star Wars. The first movie of the series was released in 1977 and became the most paid movie of all times, winning 6 Academy and plenty of other awards. At the beginning of the 1980s, two more movies of the series came out, which also became very successful. Together with Steven Spielberg, Lukas released one more trilogy, Indiana Jones, which became a phenomenon of the decade. For the next two decades, Lukas was focused on adding more movies to his two movie lines, as well as produced a few other cinema projects. He is one of the richest filmmakers, with the total wealth close to 5.5 million dollars. He is an avid political activist and a founder of a few organization supporting national education, social life, national history, etc. George Lukas was married twice and has 4 children.

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