How old is Steven Spielberg?
Steven Spielberg was born on 18 December 1946.
Steven Spielberg is 78 years old.
How old is Steven Spielberg in days now?
Steven Spielberg is 78 years 3 months 8 days old.
Total 28,588 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Steven Spielberg?
Steven Spielberg's next birthday is in 8 months 22 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Steven Spielberg?
Zodiac sign of Steven Spielberg is Sagittarius.
Steven Spielberg is one of the most influential and talented movie directors of our times, considered to be among the founders of the modern era in Hollywood. Born in 1946 in Ohio, he comes from the family of Orthodox Jewish immigrants from western Ukraine. Since his childhood, he was interested in photography and started experimenting in filmmaking in his early teen ages. His professional career started in the 1970s when Steven began taking parts in creating some TV projects. In 1971 he directed the movie Duel followed by Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies and The Sugarland Express (with Goldie Hawn). In 1975 his first epic movie Jaws was released and shook the world of sci-fi. Among other famous movies of the director include a few series of Indiana Johns (created and produced with his friend George Lukas), E.T., The Jurassic Park, as well as the movies like The Color Purple (with Whoopi Goldberg), Empire of the Sun (with Christian Bale and John Malkovich), Shindler's List (with Liam Neeson), Amistad (with Morgan Freeman and Anthony Hopkins), Saving Private Ryan (with Tom Hanks and Matt Damon), Munich (with Daniel Craig), Lincoln, Bridges of Spies (with Tom Hanks), The Post (with Hanks and Meryl Streep). Spielberg is also a successful movie producer, with such ones as Back to the Future and Men in Black being the most known ones. He won 2 Academy Awards as the best movie director of the season. Steven Spielberg was married twice and has 7 children, 4 his own and 3 adopted. He likes yachting very much, and he is an activist in social and political life.