How old is FaZe Adapt?
FaZe Adapt was born on 5 June 1997.
FaZe Adapt is 27 years old.
How old is FaZe Adapt in days now?
FaZe Adapt is 27 years 9 months 20 days old.
Total 10,155 days old now.
When is the next birthday of FaZe Adapt?
FaZe Adapt's next birthday is in 2 months 11 days.
What is the zodiac sign of FaZe Adapt?
Zodiac sign of FaZe Adapt is Gemini.
FaZe Adapt is a popular YouTuber and gamer who is one of the managers and founders of a famous YouTube group, FaZe Clan. Born Alexander Hamilton in 1997 in Arizona, he grew up in a large family, alongside his parents and four sisters who have quite unusual names, after a few largest cities of the world (Vienna, Milan, Sydney, and Paris). Since his childhood, Alexander has been extremely interested in computer games like Call of Duty and others. He opened his first YouTube channel in the early 2010s and called it AHDAPTING. But currently, his channel FaZe Adapt is among the most popular gaming channels, with the number of its followers close to 5 million people (as of the middle of 2024). Alex is a close friend of many members of FaZe Clan, including FaZe Rain, FaZe Apex, FaZe Rug, FaZe Key, and others.
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