How old is FaZe Kay?
FaZe Kay was born on 10 February 1996.
FaZe Kay is 29 years old.
How old is FaZe Kay in days now?
FaZe Kay is 29 years 1 month 19 days old.
Total 10,640 days old now.
When is the next birthday of FaZe Kay?
FaZe Kay's next birthday is in 10 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of FaZe Kay?
Zodiac sign of FaZe Kay is Aquarius.
FaZe Kay is a famous YouTuber, gamer, and one of the founders of a famous online gamer group called FaZe Clan. Born Fraizer Kaye in 1996 in London, he grew up in Britain, alongside his three brothers. Since his early childhood, Fraizer has been an avid gamer, with Call of Duty being his most favorite game. In the early 2010s, Kaye started getting interested in social media and opened his first YouTube account titled Khattrisha where he began posting a large number of videos related to gaming and his daily life. Very often, such videos used to feature his three brothers. Later on, he started streaming on Twitch and has managed to achieve great success and attract a few hundred thousand followers. Finally, FaZe Kay was seriously back to YouTube where he began gathering an active community of gamers around himself named FaZe Clan, which includes some gamers like FaZr Rug, FaZe Apex, FaZe Rain, Tfue, and others. Featuring these YouTube stars, the channel of FaZe Kay has now the number of followers approaching to 9.5 million people (as of the early 2025).
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