How old is FaZe Apex?

FaZe Apex was born on 20 June 1996.
FaZe Apex is 28 years old.

How old is FaZe Apex in days now?

FaZe Apex is 28 years 9 months 9 days old.
Total 10,509 days old now.

When is the next birthday of FaZe Apex?

FaZe Apex's next birthday is in 2 months 22 days.

What is the zodiac sign of FaZe Apex?

Zodiac sign of FaZe Apex is Gemini.

FaZe Apex is a popular YouTuber and a known Call of Duty gamer. Born as Yousef Abdelfattah in California, he has been a huge fan of computer games since his early years. He was only 12 years old when he opened his first YouTube channel and began posting various videos related to gaming and related kind of stuff. Very soon he started collaborating with other gamers YouTubers like FaZe Dirty, and eventually became a member of a popular group FaZe Clan with FaZe Rug, FaZe Banks, FaZe Rain, and other professional gamers. FaZe Apex is also one of the professional gamers, who takes part in a number of competitions and tournaments. His channel titled bananafone34 has over 6 million followers (as of the mid 2024). He often shows up in his videos playing PC games with two of his nieces known as FaZe Baby, and FaZe Baby 2.0. 

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