How old is Derek Hough?

Derek Hough was born on 17 May 1985.
Derek Hough is 39 years old.

How old is Derek Hough in days now?

Derek Hough is 39 years 9 months 18 days old.
Total 14,539 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Derek Hough?

Derek Hough's next birthday is in 2 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Derek Hough?

Zodiac sign of Derek Hough is Taurus.

Derek Hough is a famous American dancer, choreographer, actor, and singer known for his participation in numerous dancing TV shows and competitions. Born in 1985 in Salt Lake City, Derek grew up in quite a large family, alongside his parents and four sisters. Together with his sister Julianne, he spent his early teen ages in London, in a special dance school which gave him an amazing training. He became one of the best ever students of the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts and took part in plenty of projects in the UK before returning to the US in the late 2000s. In 2007, he started working as one of the coaches in Dancing With the Stars and had 6 victories as a coach. He starred in a large number of American and international dance and music-related projects, as well as won 2 Emmy Awards in Choreography. In the later years of the 2010s, Derek Hough took part in a, NBC TV project World of Dance where he was one of the judges. He choreographed a number of music videos and theater performances.

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