How old is Chris Wood?
Chris Wood was born on 14 April 1988.
Chris Wood is 36 years old.
How old is Chris Wood in days now?
Chris Wood is 36 years 11 months 15 days old.
Total 13,498 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Chris Wood?
Chris Wood's next birthday is in 16 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Chris Wood?
Zodiac sign of Chris Wood is Aries.
Chris Wood is a popular American TV actor who became famous after appearing in the TV series The Vampire Diary. Born Christopher Charles Wood in 1988 in Ohio, he has been interested in music and acting since his childhood. In college, he met Grant Gustin who is also a famous actor now and has always been very supportive of their common interest in theater and acting. After graduating from Elon University where he studied Theater and Music, Chris began appearing on a professional stage. His TV debut took place in the early 2010s when he played the first role in the movie Browsers. So far, he has appeared in over a dozen of TV projects, with the most successful works in such series as The Vampire Dairy, Supergirl, Containment, The Carrie Diaries, and so on. Chris Wood is a socially active person and takes part in projects related to people's mental health. He is married to the actress Melissa Benoist.