How old is Grant Gustin?
Grant Gustin was born on 14 January 1990.
Grant Gustin is 35 years old.
How old is Grant Gustin in days now?
Grant Gustin is 35 years 2 months 13 days old.
Total 12,856 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Grant Gustin?
Grant Gustin's next birthday is in 9 months 18 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Grant Gustin?
Zodiac sign of Grant Gustin is Capricorn.
An American actor Grant Gustin was born in 1990 in Virginia, and he was dreaming about music or acting related career since he was a child. He attended a few acting courses, and in the late 2010 Grant appeared on Broadway stage, in West Side Story program. A year later he was invited to join the cast of Glee, where he played Sebastian Smythe. In the early 2010s Gustin had brief recurring roles in such TV series as 90210 and CSI: Miami, but starting from 2013 he has been appearing in Superhero Flash related series like The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and others. Grant played the main roles in the movies Affluenza and Krystal. He recorded a few singles including I Want You Back, Glad That You Came, and others. In the early 2020s he appeared in a few projects by Netflix like Rescued By Ruby. Grant Gustin won a few important awards for TV actors, namely three Teen Choice Awards, the Saturn Award, etc. In the late 2018 he go married to an actress, Andrea Thoma. Next year they became parents to a lovely daughter.