How old is Chase Mattson?

Chase Mattson was born on 3 June 1994.
Chase Mattson is 30 years old.

How old is Chase Mattson in days now?

Chase Mattson is 30 years 9 months 23 days old.
Total 11,254 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Chase Mattson?

Chase Mattson's next birthday is in 2 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Chase Mattson?

Zodiac sign of Chase Mattson is Gemini.

Chase Mattson is a really handsome young man and a model who despite his young age has already collaborated with a large number of agencies and companies. Born in 1994 in California, he grew up in the city of Ontario, alongside his parents and five brothers and sisters. He was a very outgoing child and was noticed by fashion scouts in really early age. During his high school times he combined his studies with photo sessions and various projects offered to him by plenty of agencies, both Californian and other ones. After finishing school Chase decided to focus completely on his modeling career and also tried himself in acting. He became father at the age of 20, and as of the late 2020 he is the father of two lovely daughters, Norah and Hazel. However, his relationship with their mother didn't last, and recently Chase Mattson announced his engagement to Kelianne Stankus, a talented gymnast and acrobat. It is possible to get updates of their relationships and their life from their social media accounts like Instagram, etc.

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