How old is Britney Manson?

Britney Manson was born on 2 July 1995.
Britney Manson is 29 years old.

How old is Britney Manson in days now?

Britney Manson is 29 years 8 months 26 days old.
Total 10,862 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Britney Manson?

Britney Manson's next birthday is in 3 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Britney Manson?

Zodiac sign of Britney Manson is Cancer.

Britney Manson is a social media star and model from Estonia. She was born in 1995 and started her career as a professional model when she was 12. As a transgender person she lived through plenty of bullying and hate from her peers, but her love to music and the life prevailed and helped her to live a normal life. Britney took part in a number of modeling competitions and TV projects. She started her online presence in 217 by opening her TikTok and Instagram accounts. Her content is mostly focused on fashion and modeling, but since 2022 she has also been trying herself as a singer and releasing her songs. One of the videos of her singing became viral and popular attracting over 10 million views. Another song of hers titled "Fashion" came out in summer 2023 and reached the top 50 of Billboard charts. Despite being Estonian Britney Manson hardly lived there and now she resides in Poland. She is currently represented by Elite Model Management.

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