How old is Anok Yai?
Anok Yai was born on 20 December 1997.
Anok Yai is 27 years old.
How old is Anok Yai in days now?
Anok Yai is 27 years 3 months 6 days old.
Total 9,958 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Anok Yai?
Anok Yai's next birthday is in 8 months 24 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Anok Yai?
Zodiac sign of Anok Yai is Sagittarius.
Anok Yai is a model of a divine and mesmerizing beauty who has been involved in the world of fashion modeling for over 8 years and has appeared on the pages of all popular fashion magazines. She came to this world in 1997 in Cairo, Egypt, but when she was 3 years old her family moved to New Hampshire and spent her childhood in Manchester, alongside her parents and her sister Alim who is now one of the personal assistance and managers of Anok. In the mid 2010s Anok attended Howard University where she was discovered in 2017 by a fashion photographer. He career started by singing up to Next Model Management and beginning collaboration with the best fashion companies like Prada, Nike, and such. By many true fashion fans Anok Yai is considered to be one of the most influential and outstanding black models being second to possibly only Naomi Campbell. In 2022 she received the status of a supermodel and continued walking for a great amount of the world's fashion leaders, as well as taking part in various television projects and social campaigns.