How old is Candace Owens?
Candace Owens was born on 29 April 1989.
Candace Owens is 35 years old.
How old is Candace Owens in days now?
Candace Owens is 35 years 10 months 27 days old.
Total 13,117 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Candace Owens?
Candace Owens's next birthday is in 1 month 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Candace Owens?
Zodiac sign of Candace Owens is Taurus.
Candance Owens is a conservative political activist, commentator, and author who is also known as a social media influencer. She was born in 1989 in Connecticut and spent her childhood in New York where she was raised alongside her three siblings. She started her political activism when she was 17 years old and still was a high school student when she made her first statements regardless the rights of the black people in the US. In the late 2000s she studied journalism at the university of Rhode Island, and then continued to work in various editions including even such one as Vogue. Early in the 2010s her conservative views were formed and she started voicing the ideas of the movement in various media. Her interesting, brave and inflammatory ideas attracted a lot of public attention and made her popular, both in traditional media and online. She expressed critical opinion about the campaign known as Black Lives Matter, and also supported Trump in his first presidential term. In the early 2020s she launched her personal TV show titled Candance which turned out to be very successful. Unfortunately, later on she was fired for her antisemitic thoughts, in the framework of Hamas-Israeli War of 2023-2024. Candance Owens is undoubtedly a bright and really interesting personality with a great potential in political life of the country.
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