How old is Bryson Panton?

Bryson Panton was born on 30 May 2021.
Bryson Panton is 3 years old.

How old is Bryson Panton in days now?

Bryson Panton is 3 years 9 months 24 days old.
Total 1,396 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Bryson Panton?

Bryson Panton's next birthday is in 2 months 4 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Bryson Panton?

Zodiac sign of Bryson Panton is Gemini.

Bryson Panton is a lovely son of two social media influencers, Melinda Panton and Don Panton. He was born in May 2021 in the US, to the family of his YouTube star parents as well as his two elder sisters. Bryson's life was thoroughly documented even before his actual coming to this world as his mom used to post plenty of photos during her pregnancy on her Instagram and other accounts. First actual photo of his was posted in the early June 2021, and one of the popular photos of Bryson and his father Don which attracted over 20 thousand likes. Today, Bryson Panton has his personal Instagram channel and a lot of his personal fans.

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