How old is Boris Johnson?

Boris Johnson was born on 19 June 1964.
Boris Johnson is 60 years old.

How old is Boris Johnson in days now?

Boris Johnson is 60 years 9 months 12 days old.
Total 22,200 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Boris Johnson?

Boris Johnson's next birthday is in 2 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Boris Johnson?

Zodiac sign of Boris Johnson is Gemini.

Boris Johnson is a British politician and the head of the government of the UK, a former journalist, and writer. Born in 1964 in New York City to a British couple who were studying there, Boris grew up alongside his two younger siblings and spent his early childhood moving between the US and the UK. He studied in Oxford and started his career as a journalist for one of the most popular British newspapers The Times. Later on, he used to work for The Daily Telegraph and The Spectator where he used to express his anti-EU views. In the late 2000s, Johnson was elected Mayor of London and served his two terms. Later on, after the short term as the Member of the British Parliament, Johnson was appointed as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the country, and in 2019 he led the Conservative Party of the UK to win the elections. Later that year Boris Johnson became Prime Minister of the UK. While in office, he demonstrated himself as a devoted conservative and an avid supporter of the ides of Brexit. He was married many times and has at least 6 children.

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