How old is Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton was born on 19 August 1946.
Bill Clinton is 78 years old.
How old is Bill Clinton in days now?
Bill Clinton is 78 years 7 months 10 days old.
Total 28,712 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Bill Clinton?
Bill Clinton's next birthday is in 4 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Bill Clinton?
Zodiac sign of Bill Clinton is Leo.
Bill Clinton is a world class politician and the 42nd President of the USA. Born William Jefferson Clinton in 1946 in Arkansas, he graduated from Georgetown University and Yale Law School. In the mid 1970 he got married to Hillary Clinton and came back to his home state in order to start his political career. First he became the Governor, and then the Attorney General of Arkansas. His most important local achievements included some reformations of the education sector and opposition to death penalty legalization. In 1992, at the age of 46, he was elected the 42nd President of the US as a member of the Democratic Party becoming one of the youngest presidents. His first term was marked by some great steps in international relationships and global trade promotion, and the key actions of his second term include NATO expansion efforts, establishing and facilitating peace processes in the Middle East, supporting anti-terrorist initiatives, etc. He left the Presidential office in the early 2000s and we succeeded by George W. Bush. Overall, the political, social, economic, international, and other achievements of Bill Clinton's presidency are estimated highly. however, the notorious Monica Lewinski scandal which caused Clinton to be impeached by the House of Representatives but saved by the Senate, visited a serious damage upon his political image and career. His daughter Chelsea Clinton is an important social and media personality.
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