How old is Angelina Jolie?

Angelina Jolie was born on 4 June 1975.
Angelina Jolie is 49 years old.

How old is Angelina Jolie in days now?

Angelina Jolie is 49 years 9 months 3 days old.
Total 18,174 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Angelina Jolie?

Angelina Jolie's next birthday is in 2 months 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Angelina Jolie?

Zodiac sign of Angelina Jolie is Gemini.

Angelina Jolie is one of the most recognizable and successful Hollywood actresses, a producer, a director, a model, and a charity person. Born in 1975 in the family of quite famous Hollywood actors (Jon Voight is her father), Angelina and her elder brother James were brought up by her mother, Bertrand, who did everything possible to make her children ready for their future acting career since their early ages. When Angelina was 11 years old, her family moved to LA, where she attended special acting courses of Lee Strasberg. She started modeling when she was 14, and her stage acting career started when she was 16. For her first cinema roles, she worked with her brother as a director. The roles in such movies as Hackers, Original Sin, Lara Croft, Taking Lives, helped Angelina earn her reputation in Hollywood. While filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith, she met Brad Pitt, who very soon became her husband. They have 3 biological and 3 adopted children. Jolie plays not only in Hollywood movies but also in various musicals, theater performances, etc. Angelina Jolie is famous for her charity work and very often visits the areas of serious international conflicts and disaster zones as a Good Will Ambassador of UNESCO.

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