How old is Adonis Graham?
Adonis Graham was born on 11 October 2017.
Adonis Graham is 7 years old.
How old is Adonis Graham in days now?
Adonis Graham is 7 years 5 months 18 days old.
Total 2,726 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Adonis Graham?
Adonis Graham's next birthday is in 6 months 12 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Adonis Graham?
Zodiac sign of Adonis Graham is Libra.
Adonis Graham is a celebrity child and a social media star who has recently become a public person. He came to this world on 2017, to the mom Sophie Brussaux, a gorgeous French model and former artist, and a charismatic rapper Drake. The couple becoming parents was kept secret for the moment of the birth of their son. Drake informed the world about him becoming a father in one of the lines of his songs in his 2018 albums Scorpion. Since the early months of Adonis's life, his parents declared their strong desire to keep the life of their child private, and so far they have been doing everything they could to do so. Not really much is known about the boy, though there are quite a lot of images of his alongside his celebrity parents. Adonis Graham has amazing blond curls and absolutely diving deep blue eyes.
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