How old is Hillary Clinton?
Hillary Clinton was born on 26 October 1947.
Hillary Clinton is 77 years old.
How old is Hillary Clinton in days now?
Hillary Clinton is 77 years 5 months old.
Total 28,276 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Hillary Clinton?
Hillary Clinton's next birthday is in 7 months.
What is the zodiac sign of Hillary Clinton?
Zodiac sign of Hillary Clinton is Scorpio.
One of the two nominees for the 2016 US President’s elections, Hillary Clinton lost against Donald Trump. She is a successful and very popular politician, social activist, the 67th United States Secretary of State and formerly the first lady of the US. She has met her future husband and the future 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton when she was 28. They got married in October 1975 and five years later, in February 1980, Hillary Clinton gave birth to her daughter Chelsea. In 2000, she was elected the Member of the Senate, and in 2006 she entered her second term. In late 2008, after Barrack Obama became the President of the US, Hillary was offered the position of the United States Secretary of State. The Senate approved her for the position in January 2009 by vote 94-2. She leads a very active lifestyle and visits a great number of social events, related to education, and children’s law. She wrote a few books (including a 562-page autobiography) and is an avid Methodist.
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